The ultimate database platform

AverageDB was built from the ground up to meet the needs of the average developer

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The numbers don't lie.


Everything you need

All-in-one platform

Let's be honest, you're already convinced... You just need a way to justify it to your boss.

This one keyword got us an extra 10 million in funding
Written in 100% Rust
Blazingly fast
*Within a few hundred milliseconds you'll see your data as long as you make a properly formatted request most of the time if it's still there

It's like Redis®* (*Redis is a registered trademark of Redis Ltd. Any rights therein are reserved to Redis Ltd. Any use by Average Labs LLC is for referential purposes only and does not indicate any sponsorship, endorsement or affiliation between Redis and Average Labs LLC) but less ********

Trusted by the most innovative teams

Developers from these companies have IPs that show up in our logs that when traced back on a GeoIP lookup resolve to that company's headquarters


Pricing plans for teams of all sizes

Get in now before we IPO because it's going to be a shitshow


Indie Hackers (le poors)

Just enough to put a side project on your resume before your next FAANG gig


IF we have compute leftover we'll serve your requests
  • 1kb payloads
  • Discord / Twitter reply guy support
  • Targeted and relevant ads in your results
  • Dedicated microwave radiation interference
  • Complimentary block on Twitter by the AverageDB CEO

"Startups" PRO

You're trying to get into YC and haven't setup proper accounting yet


1/256th vCPU & 4mb RAM. Don't use it all up now!
  • 4kb payloads
  • Dashboard to login & view your account info
  • More data types (number, boolean)
  • AverageDB Boost™ - Reduce random request delay by up to 50%
  • ACID compliance available as a paid addon


Send us the stupid questionnaire from your legal team we don't have SOC2 if it isn't obvious


Tell us what you can afford and we will tell you our price
  • $2,000/mo SSO addon (required)
  • Dedicated email support (Mon-Fri 9am-12pm & 2pm-4pm Tokyo time)
  • Indexes available as a paid addon ($100/index/mo)
  • Employee pinky promise to not look at customer data to retaliate over a personal grievance
  • Bring Your Own API Key™ - use your own generated key to access our API
  • No Ads in responses
  • Backups